
Sat. Jan 14, 2012: Day 5


As much as we were hoping that the bus we shipped over would arrive well before our visit, it did not. However, it did come in the (Saint) nick of time so that we were able to share in the joy of watching our 37 kids at Eden Garden have Christmas in January!  The timing was perfect, after all.
Photos (clockwise) 1) David Wheeler & Arden Brion, otherwise known as "The Wrappers", wondering why on earth I did not just send gift bags over for the 60+ gifts that required wrapping. My answer of "Kids like to rip the paper off" did not seem to satisfy! 2) We sent the kids away and started an assembly line of elves who transported the gifts from the 2nd floor office to the shelter where we would have Christmas. 3) Glenn Gibb, elf in yellow 4) Misael, Ed & Benny making the final drop at the shelter 5) Erin placing the gifts on the appropriate "girl or boy" table 5) The kids coming in with their eyes closed in anticipation

Photos (left to right) 1) Dave leading the kids in, anticipation was high! 2) Mona waiting patiently for Christmas to begin 3) Sean passing out gifts 4) Still waiting... 5) Stacey playing Santa 6) Georgy and  7) Mika & Mona tearing into their gifts

Photos (clockwise) 1) Stacey helping Maydaly open her dolly accessories 2) Sabine & Woodline 3) Sean and Reline 4) Maydaly and her twin dolly! 5) Arden and the kids 6) Scott and Frisnell  (Scott's family had donated many of the Christmas gifts) 7) John got his "MAHchine" he had been asking for 8) Dave playing "Beyblades" with the boys (our son's favorite toy, chosen and purchased by our daughter Sabrina, who contributed her piggy bank savings of $126 for the Eden Garden Christmas).