
Day 4: Saturday

Today we spent some time on the road, checking out a village we had held a clinic at before, out in the middle of next to nowhere. People that live further out from the city are usually more poor, and have even less than those who live in the cities. We saw a lot of naked kids and homes that were even more meager than the city dwellings around Montrouis. We made a few stops and passed out some more clothes, granola bars and candy. At one of our stops, a young boy had sutures from a head wound that needed to come out about 5-10 days prior, so Elizabeth cleaned the wound, removed dead skin and put anti-fungal cream on it. This was performed on the bumper of the van, and the problem was that a group of 40-50 kids came out of the woodwork and were surrounding the van, and the van was shaking back and forth, making the procedure a little difficult to complete! We also met a sister from a mission in the area who invited us to come back and hold a medical clinic there on our next trip.  

In the evening, we walked to the beach with the Eden Garden kids which is something that they really enjoy and look forward to. Though the waters were a little rough, the kids had a ball being tossed around in the waves, hanging all over Scott, Marty, Erin and Jean Claude, and we’re pretty sure they all slept well that night.